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SRL at Ho Yu

Since late 2011, Ho Yu teachers have visited the mainland China many times to help with the implementation of “self-regulated learning” at our school. Our teachers have been to Guangzhou, Baiyun and Shandong for a detailed understanding and analysis of the said learning mode from the origins in order that our students can learn in a better way.

June, 2012, our interested teachers visited Si Yuan School at Guangzhou to On 19th understand more about the actual learning and teaching of “self-regulated learning”. December to 12th From 9th exchanged teaching ideas at Shandong to learn more about:

- the development and implementation progress of self-regulated learning in Shandong

- administrative arrangements and students’ learning attitude

- how schools in the mainland China cultivate their atmosphere of self-regulated learning

- the concepts of <self-learning outlines> and the structure of each lesson

March to 3rd From 30th Yuen schools visited Shandong to understand:

- the details about how to conduct self-regulated learning

- the success criteria

- students’ feelings

- exchanged ideas of school-based measures and expectations of “self-regulated learning”

May to 7th From 6th

Secondary School in Baiyun and the Eightieth Secondary School in Guangzhou to learn about:

- how to design self-learning outlines to enhance learning effectiveness

- how to elevate students’ peer assessments

- teachers’ introductory skills and techniques

From 21st Dec to 25th

some class teachers and students visited Shandong again in order to enhance leadership and managerial skills.

December, 2012, vice-principals and six teachers

April 2013, the principals and teachers of the five Sik Sik

May 2013, our vice-principals and three teachers went to Jing Tai

Dec 2013, as a platform for group leaders’ cultural exchanges,

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